Terminal Tricks: Have Fun with the Linux Command Line


Hello, World! I put together this list of cool Linux terminal commands that can be yours today, for the low price of FREE!


Get the weather.

curl wttr.in

Copy a command output to the clipboard.

cat file.txt | xclip -sel clip

Serve the current directory on port 8000 as a web server.

python -m http.server

(The old way was python -m SimpleHTTPServer, which is how it is in the screenshot)

Visit the web server at http://localhost:8000/ in your browser. Press Ctrl-C in the terminal to stop the server.

python -m SimpleHTTPServer

python -m SimpleHTTPServer

A web server with one command! It can also be accessed by anyone on the same local network (house, school, library, etc.)

Measure the time it takes to run a command.

time find

Display a calendar.


Change the terminal to attack mode!

xtermcontrol ā€“bg ā€˜#111111ā€™; xtermcontrol ā€“fg ā€˜#ff0000ā€™

Terminal with Red Text

Terminal with Red Text

Installing a python package in attack mode!

Re-run the last command as root.

sudo !!

Exit the terminal but leave all processes running.

disown -a && exit

Open a webpage in a text-based browser. Use the arrow keys to navigate, ENTER to click on links, and Shift+B to go back.

w3m duckduckgo.com?q=Terminal+Tricks


Set up a Virtual Private Network (VPN) on a remote server such as a DigitalOcean droplet. This will create a file /root/client.ovpn which tells other computers how to connect to the remote server.

user@local:~$ ssh root@remote

root@remote:~$ wget https://git.io/vpn -O openvpn.sh && sudo bash openvpn.sh

Copy the client.ovpn file to the local machine.

user@local:~$ scp root@remote:/root/client.ovpn .

Import the remote openvpn server config into NetworkManager on Linux.

user@local:~$ nmcli connection import type openvpn file client.ovpn

Then use the network system tray icon to connect to the server.

Scan the local network an get a list of the devices, their IP addresses, and mac addresses. Replace ā€œwlan0ā€ with your network device, which you can find with ā€œip aā€. The ā€œteeā€ command saves the output to a file, while also displaying it to the terminal.

sudo arp-scan ā€“localnet ā€“interface=wlan0 | tee arp-scan.txt

Log in to a Raspberry Pi whose default password has not been changed. Replace the IP address with the actual IP address of the Pi. Let this serve as a warning: Be sure to change your Pi passwords so random folks donā€™t log in!

ssh pi@

Password: raspberry

Scan a computer on the network for open ports and other info.

sudo nmap -v

Forward local port 3337 to a remote serverā€™s port 6379.

ssh -L 3337:localhost:6379 username@hostname

Set up a proxy on the local port 8000 through a remote server.

ssh -CND 8000 username@hostname

Set your web browserā€™s proxy settings to ā€œlocalhostā€ and ā€œ8000ā€ to act as if it was in the same local network as the server.


curl -s http://artscene.textfiles\.com/vt100/globe.vt | pv -L9600 -q
telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl

Big thanks to the internet, including but not limited to climagic and this youtube video.

This site's source code is released under the MIT License.